
Hello, VALL members! I hope you all had a wonderful summer. My favorite time of the year is finally arriving, and there is much going on with VALL that I’d like to share with you.  VALL at AALL There was a good contingent of VALL members who attended the AALL Annual Meeting in San Antonio,...
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by Terry Long   Jobline is profitable which indicates more jobs are available. Institutional memberships have increased. An audit was recently conducted of VLA’s finances and no irregularities were found. An audit will be conducted every three years. Richmond Convention Center will be the site of the 2015 annual meeting. The Executive Committee has been...
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by Jane Harrison Ben Almoite, Librarian at the Virginia State Law Library in Richmond, Virginia, has already had a full professional calendar this year. He attended the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Leadership Academy in Oak Brook, Illinois in April – thanks to assistance from a VALL Grant; and he attended AALL’s Annual Meeting...
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The 30th Anniversary Committee is seeking your memories of VALL for inclusion in the VALL Memory Book. if you recall, Ben Almoite talked about this in his President's Message, and this was also discussed at the fall meeting at South University. Submit your memory to Jane Harrison at or Sally Wambold at, and...
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by Alexis Fetzer   I was fortunate enough to travel to San Antonio and attend the 2014 AALL Conference with the help of a generous grant received from VALL. My anticipation in attending was fueled all the more after a long battle with flight delays. Finally arriving, I was eager to attend my first session,...
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by Charlie Nelson   The San Antonio conference was my second at AALL -- I also attended the Seattle event in 2013. Last year I was a wide-eyed newbie who thought I had to attend every possible program, fill my days, and justifying the expense of my trip.   I learned a few things for sure, rubbed shoulders with major vendors that I'd...
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By Jane Harrison In 1984 Ann Roberts Caudle was the first to wear the VALL president’s hat. The association began as the Richmond Area law Libraries (RALLA) in 1981. As the membership grew beyond the Richmond area, and, so not to be confused with the also newly-emerging Richmond Association of Legal Assistants (RALA), a change...
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by Paul Hellyer   Earlier this month, the Second Circuit decided Authors Guild v. HathiTrust. This is an important copyright case for libraries, and it’s a definite win for us. For those of you unfamiliar with it, HathiTrust is an online digital library created by a partnership of university libraries. It contains millions of full-text...
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Yes, it's that time again ... time to renew your VALL membership! You should all have received an email from Chris Vassey about your membership 2014-2015. If you haven't or would like membership for a new staff member, please click here for the membership form: VALL membership form 2014-2015
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Submitted by Terry Long, VALL Representative to VLA Council   ·         VLA’s finances are in good shape. Recent VLA sponsored conferences have made small profits. The endowment has made a modest gain. ·         The Fundraising Committee has raised a little over half the amount needed for the annual VLA Conference. ·         ALA’s Legislative Day had...
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The Virginia Association of Law Libraries (VALL) supports and serves its members’ professional pursuits by fostering a spirit of leadership and cooperation, providing educational and leadership opportunities, and promoting and enhancing the value of law libraries.

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