New Library for South University!

Submitted by Evelyn Campbell
We have been living in the dust and noise of construction for the last few months and we have a few more months to go. But we do have more classrooms, labs, an auditorium and a new library to show for all that effort. We moved into our new library space on October 18 and worked in record time to have the books on the shelves and put the library in order -- the students were beating down the door to have their library back!
The new library has more shelving -- this is a good thing in times when libraries are contracting rather than expanding; study carrels; a computer lab that is enclosed; a group study room; an expanded reference/circulation desk where two people can work in comfort; and a new office for the library director.
If anyone is in the Short Pump area and would like to stop in, we would be happy to show you around!
Eileen Meagher at the expanded reference/circulation desk

The new study carrels are to the back of the library on the right

L-R: the group study room and the computer lab

Study tables from the old library

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